And you also get many benefits if you regularly use the SIXT loyalty card instead of any other card.


It is a kind of app that you have to download on your phone. Then after downloading the SIXT app. You can search for varieties of vehicles according to your category. And if you want to book a vehicle, according to your choice, then you have to speak for half an hour before booking. The SIXT program is the only app to book car-sharing and driving services. If you regularly use this app, it offers you a little more than other apps. It is the same app but offers extra in comparison to others. The more you use this app, the more it will cost your card. It increases the levels of your card.

The SIXT card offers

The SIXT card will give you even more advantages if you make at least a rental of three to ten during a year from your card. 

There are three main statuses of the SIXT card.

Gold card statusPlatinum card statusDiamond card status

Gold card status

In this SIXT card status, you will come when you have done at least three rentals in a year with your SIXT card. And you will get some more advantages compared to your first rental with your SIXT card.

You would have sooner mobility in it within 48 hours. You will also get a 10% instant discount on booking. The most important thing about this app is that it gives you a birthday surprise. You will also get a free driver facility. Otherwise, you keep getting a lot of exclusive offers too.

Platinum card status

You come to this status of SIXT card when you have done ten rentals.

In this, you get preferred mobility like gold card status within 48 hours. You can get 15% off on this Platinum Card Status on booking. It also has the ability for you to upgrade for free. In this, you will get a birthday surprise. In this platinum card status, you will get many advantages of exclusive offers that will be more than gold status.

Diamond card status

You will come to this level of the SIXT loyalty program only when you get the invitation.

In this status, you will get the facility of Guaranteed Upgrade that is free. In this status of SIXT cards, you will get a 20% discount. Exclusive counters and parking will also be available. This level of the SIXT card represents Diamond Lounge and VIP Service.

Especial in SIXT loyalty program

If you go anywhere, you immediately want a vehicle then you can go with it, Car and taxi the same as you like, whatever color you like, then you can immediately go to this app and book it. And a great feature of this app is that it doesn’t show any formalities, Because your personal information stays behind the card. It takes the same amount of time as mentioned while booking and you don’t even need to wait. You can derive the benefit of its rentals and become dynamic. And you get many discount rentals along with drivers and vehicle category upgrades.

What happens if you subscribe to the newsletter of the SIXT loyalty program?

And if you subscribe to their newsletter, you will get more discounts and regular offers through your email. If you take the initiative to use a SIXT Card or make an account, you can charge their Express Card, which is free. Do your work with the SIXT card and reach their Gold and Platinum status to get the largest benefit! SIXT can be matched with your loyalty status even if you are working in another member’s loyalty program So that you can enjoy the increased level of the rental companies.


Through the SIXT loyalty program, we say thank you to the customers. When they take vehicles of their wishes, on rent from our app. If you borrow some transport like cars and vans from somewhere else. Then they don’t offer you as much as you get when you shop with the continuous SIXT Program App. The more rent that means, as long as you rent with the SIXT app, the more you will profit from this app. It increases your profit by looking at your old rented product. This app upgrades your card’s availability at the same time, it upgrades to the next level with the company.

And this SIXT loyalty program is also an International mobility service Provider. It now has 2000 locations in over 110 countries.

Q1. Does that program show any formalities?


No! This company does not show any formalities because whatever information they need is already taken by your card.

Q2. Is Six Novelty Always Active?


The SIXT Loyalty is always active at the International level. And in the car or van rental transaction in the business area and ride-hailing, in car sharing, and the subscription.