About fuse:  

• Fuse:  

 An electronic device used for safety purposes in our  electronic circuits of home, offices etc. This device cut the  circuit connection or breaks the path of the flow of current  when the high voltage passes through it. 

• Composition:

 The inner structure of the fuse is consist of a  wire usually made of conducting metals such as copper,  aluminium and their alloys. This wire is further encapsulated  in a button-like structure, which can be easily inserted and  removed. 

• Functioning: 

 The wire of the fuse is made of conducting  metal, which is chosen according to the current that passes  through the circuit, so this allows the current of that certain  amount to pass indefinitely. When this exceeds a bit due to  any fault the wire will melt because of high temperature and  break the circuit. Hence prevents the wire from spark and  any other damage. 

Types and sizes of the fuse for a 3000-watt inverter: 

There are many types of fuses depending on their use in an  electric circuit, such as Ac fuses, dc fuses, high voltage fuses,  Cartridge fuses, automatic fuses, blade fuses, d— type cartridge  fuses, lead fuses, bolted type fuses etc. These fuses are  available in sizes from 15 to 6000 amperage. 

About inverter:  

• Inverter:  

 The inverter is Ac power Drive (a device) used to  convert electronic direct signals into alternating signals. It  is also called Variable frequency drive( VFD). These 

devices control the output frequency and also manage the  speed of electric motors. 

• Composition :  

 The system consists of three units: battery  charging, an automatic switch, and an inverter.  

• Why do we use inverters at home and in other  buildings?:  

 We use an inverter as a backup when the power supply is off and we use solar panels and batteries to generate  electricity but the current generated by them is dc, so we use an inverter. 

• Types and sizes:  

 There are three types of inverters: sine  wave, modified sine wave, and square wave. We can find  them in the range starting from 50 watts to 50k watts. 

Use of fuses in inverter:  

 Fuses are used in the circuit to prevent them from potential short circuit-related damage and prevent  the wires from catching fire due to fluctuations in current. It is  placed between the battery and the inverter. Hence the size of the fuse for a 3000-watt inverter.


 Fuse is a safety device used in many types of circuits and also  used for inverters. It is installed between battery and inverter.  The basic rule for choosing a fuse is to divide Watts by Voltage 

to find amperes. Then add a 10 to 25% margin into it to find  the suitable value of the fuse. For a 3000-watt inverter with a  battery of 12 volts, the ratio would be 250 so we would use a  fuse in the range of 250-260 amperage. Hence the size of the fuse for a 3000-watt inverter.


 What if we don’t use a fuse for our inverter? 


 Let’s suppose you have a regular battery (the basic  component is acid) with certain voltages and you didn’t insert  the fuse. If a short circuit happens the battery would explode  and the wires would catch fire due to high temperature. In  case you have installed a fuse, the path would be cut off, this  way you would be safe from damage and the wires won’t catch  fire. Resultantly, you and your appliances would be safe. 


 What type of fuse is used for a 1000-watt  inverter?  


 It would depend on battery voltages and the power it  generates. If it is a twelve-volt battery, then we will calculate  the ratio of the watts to a volt which would be in amps and add  a 10- 25% safety margin to it. Finally, find the fuse near this 

value. In this case, the ratio is 83.33, after adding the safety  margin we can say that a fuse of 100 amp would be enough. 

Question : 

 Why do we use inverter at the first place? 


 The current generates by the solar panel and battery is  direct current dc, while we need alternating current AC for the  normal function of our home appliances, so we use an inverter  to convert the dc into Ac.