Some gamers might think this is a cool alteration, but I expect it will haunt my dreams for weeks to come.

Gangly Mario is Scary

When it comes to playing Mario games I’ve grown accustomed to seeing the chubby adorable plumber who worked his way into our hearts nearly 30 years ago. As new information for Super Mario Maker is being released, I caught a glimpse at this “Skinny Mario” and immediately cringed from the gangly arms and lengthy body. Not only was my precious petite Mario gone, but his charming plump appearance was no more.The whole idea behind “Skinny Mario” erupted from a mushroom error that occurred in Super Mario Maker, which turned Mario into this stretched form, instead of a larger appearance of himself. Since that fateful accident, the mushroom that caused such havoc has been dubbed the “Luigi Mushroom”.

While using “Skinny Mario”, Mario also adapts to all the skills Luigi has with running and jumping which also opens up new level design options within Super Mario Maker when using the creepy deforming mushroom. This will probably be one of the effects I’ll never want to use when I get Super Mario Maker near the September 11th release, but I respect those who are daring enough to use such an abomination in their game. 

Along with this addition Nintendo also included some new costume designs from amiibo interaction, where details involving such connections can be found on the article, “Super Mario Maker costume options and ‘100 Mario Challenges’”.

What is your opinion on this new ability in Super Mario Maker? Does it give you the heebie-jeebies as well?