What Makes The Sky Land Line Stop Working?

Land line down-times are a common cause for agitation for customers. The most common reasons why your land line could stop working are listed below.

Faulty sockets- This is a no-brainer, as its impossible for the phone to work if its plugged to a faulty socket. The phone works through the internet so it wont work if its plugged into any other telephone socket or if any other cable other than that which came with the phone is used.

Bad Weather-  You could lose the dial tone on the land line due to bad weather such as a storm.

Hardware problems (Hub and landline)- If the colour on the hub where ‘voice’ is written indicates green, that means its connected and functioning properly. If its amber, that indicates that its not functioning properly due to a disruption and if it shows nothing, that indicates that its either turned off or disconnected

Network outage – when the network goes out. This could possibly be due to system maintenance or complete or partial hardware issues.

Loose/disconnected/damaged cables- its important to check the wires and cables of the landline to confirm if they’re properly connected or if any physical damages like cuts are visible as this could easily be the problem.

Signal interference – other devices such as other landlines, microwave ovens, baby monitors, refrigerators or other phones could lead to a service disruption.

How To Fix A Sky Land Line That Is Not Working 

If you’re unable to make or receive calls, if you’re experiencing low quality calls, hearing static or an awkward dial tone or getting someoneelses calls on your Sky land line, these problems can be fixed by following the steps listed below:

Check the sockets- This depends on the type of socket you have. Its to ensure that the socket which its plugged into is functional. It should be plugged into a prefiltered socket if you have a master socket. However, if it’s a standard socket, the phone should be plugged into a micro filter first and then plugged into the master socket.

Check the Voice status service– This is to confirm if there are any issues around your area at the time. This can be done either by calling Sky directly to confirm or alternatively by going online and accessing the ‘service status check’, entering your landlines number and waiting to get a confirmation. The latter is an easier and faster method.

Check the broadband: Check to confirm if you can make internet calls

Check the colour of the ‘voice’ indicator- the green colour signifies that its working. If its amber, it means there’s a signal disruption. However, if its completely off, that means its not connected. 

Check the settings on your landline/hub- This is to confirm if everything such as the volume or mode is correctly set and if its properly plugged into the correct port.

Check for other signal-interfering devices- Separate all devices that could disrupt the signal from your landline. Also, changing the wireless channel on your phone can be effective. This can be done by accessing the manual.

Check the cables (indoor/outdoor)- This is to ensure that all cables are adequately connected and also to confirm if there are any damages. Untangle all wires and cables and fix any cuts noticed by placing a coating over it to avoid electrocution or change any cable that requires replacement. 

Additionally, you would have to check the junction box for the outdoor cables. Once this is located, unscrew it to locate the interior and plug the phones cord into the jack. It should begin to function normally afterwards.

Power cycle your hub and landline- power cycle the landline by unplugging the phone deck from power. Then take the handset off the deck, remove the battery and then reinstall it after a minute or two. Afterwards, power cycle the hub by ensuring that the device is off, then unplug the cable and plug it back after about a minute. You should begin to hear a beeping sound (dial tone) which indicates that its now functioning normally after this.


Following the troubleshooting procedures listed above is an easy way to get your Sky landline back working in no time on your own. However, the next best thing to do if it fails would be to get in contact with the customer support team and give them all the details of what you’re experiencing and hopefully they would remedy the situation if that fault is external.