Persistently slow internet connections may become painful for users, especially when you have something very important to attend to over the internet. However, by employing some of the best methods, it is possible to troubleshoot this issue as well. For an instance, we can run a speed test, restart our WiFi router or change its direction, etc. Let us dive deeper into this and see how we can resolve slow GCI internet connection issues. 

Resolution to slow GCI Internet connection issues –

Run a speed test: To understand better what actually is the reason behind a slow internet connection, it is always advisable to run a speed test. To run a speed test, navigate using the link speedtest. net. While doing this, ensure that all other devices are disconnected so that the test can be carried out properly. Once you get the result, match it with the speed you opted for. If it doesn’t match, contact your internet service provider for the issue.  

Restart your WiFi router: Sometimes, the actual problem may lie in the GCI WiFi router. All it needs is a quick push. Try restarting your WiFi router by unplugging your router. Wait for a while after that, and then restart it. Once you do that, there are high chances you may see some improvement in the speed of the internet. However, if still not, then try jumping to the next step.  

Locate your WiFi router: Most of the time, the location of the WiFi router in your area may also give you a tough time with internet speed. Try placing your WiFi router in an elevated place so that the signal may be easily reachable in all the areas of the house or office. If your router is poorly installed in an improper location, it can create glitches in the seamless internet speed.  

Move device close to the router: Placement of the WiFi router as well as the placement of the device are both crucial for seamless internet speed. If you have performed the above three steps and still the issue persists, then try placing the device you are using closer to the GCI gateway router to achieve optimum internet speed.  

Replace outdated devices: Sometimes, an outdated device or an outdated version of a device may also interrupt the internet speed. If the version of your device is older than 802. 11 standards, you need to either replace the outdated device or update it to restore your internet strength.  

Avoid objects with high interference: When you place your GCI WiFi router closer to concrete surfaces, the WiFi signals generated can be extremely slow. In order to avoid a slow internet problem, keep your devices away from objects such as a glass wall. In this way, the WiFi signals will reach all the devices in your house without any problems. Remove such partitions which can interrupt WiFi signals.  

Conclusion –

Every technology has some or the other glitches and no matter how efficient an internet service provider becomes, internet connectivity issues are inevitable. Usually, the problem lies with our own WiFi router set up or device locations and are resolvable at hand, but if not, then we can always contact internet service providers. However, if you are facing slow internet connectivity issues with GCI internet, you can try the aforementioned methods to resolve the problem and enjoy uninterrupted internet. 

Can the GCI store set up a free internet connection in my school?

GCI is not allowed to determine the eligibility so the approval needs to be granted through the ASD application process. If you need GCI internet to be installed in your school, you need to seek approval from your school directly. 

Why can’t GCI directly provide this service to the school? 

As this service is only available through Anchorage School District (ASD) approval process, your devices will only be distributed through mail service and cannot be collected from GCI stores.

How to contact if GCI causes problems?

If your GCI internet connection is slow and you are facing problems, you can contact 742-HELP for any service-related issues like access to content, speed, or downloading data from the internet. 

Does GCI offer trial internet connections for students?

GCI offers a one-month free demo internet connection plus a free WiFi modem. Visit for more information or call 1-800-800-4800 to sign up.