Unfortunately, Ubisoft is staying pretty tight lipped on any details on the future of these games. When approached about a Far Cry 4, Ubisoft’s Alain Corre simply said:

This certainly does wet our appetites, but doesn’t manage to confirm anything. His whole approach to questions on these franchises seemed to take a similar tone. When asked by Eurogamer again about Prince of Persia he only evaded with a sly “all our franchises are always in gestation” that would do a politician proud.

He once more alluded that these games were “cooking”, and “some are cooking longer than others, but they’re cooking.”

Corre explains they can’t have all their games and franchises every year, and this is of course a valid point. That doesn’t mean we can’t still wish they were all there. 

The worst tease came before their E3 press conference. Ubisoft posted a Beyond Good and Evil image that left many wondering if this was a hint of something to come.

Alas, Ubisoft’s Yves Guillemot has since told VentureBeat that it wasn’t. They claimed they “didn’t mean to tease”, but sometimes you got to wonder if they are secretly giggling in their cubicle chairs.

“We had a period where we had a demo that went out before it was quite ready…” Guillemot responded. “That’s why I think they keep expecting something. But I can’t say much more than that.”

First shown in 2008, this demo hasn’t had any more confirmation save from acknowledging it would be a “next-gen” game. 

As to whether we will see any of these games in the near future, Corre mostly evaded again by saying, “It will happen when it will be perfect.”