Glastopf Pi

Glastopf Pi is my very own DIY setup which maximizes Glastopf, a web application honeypot project lead by Lukas Rist a.k.a glaslos of the Honeynet Project. The Glastopf project started in the year 2009. It’s a simple and minimalistic web server written in Python, that records information of web-based application attacks like Structured Query Language Injection (SQLI), Remote Code Execution (RCE), Local File Inclusion (LFI), Remote File Inclusion (RFI), and many more. It emulates web application vulnerabilities by tricking attackers or scanners into thinking that it’s a vulnerable web server. Here are some snippets of the README file for this project, in order to understand this web application honeypot better: “The adversaries usually use search engines and special crafted search requests to find their victims. In order to attract them, Glastopf provide those keywords (aka dork) and extracts them also from request and extends its attack surface automatically. So, over time and with a growing number of attacks, the honeypot gets more and more attractive. In the feature we will make the SQL injection emulator pubic, provide IP profiling for crawler recognition and intelligent dork selection.” Here’s my guide on how to set up this web honeypot on your very own Raspberry Pi: Kippo Pi Kippo Pi is another honeypot setup which focuses on network forensics, SSH attacks and malware analysis. “Kippo is a medium interaction SSH honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker.” An easy guide on how to set up this honeypot, inspired by Leon van der Eijk’s (or @lvdeijk for short) BSides London Kippo Workshop crib sheet, can be found here: Super Nintendo Pi

(Image courtesy of Super Nintendo Pi is an emulation system that focuses on emulating SNES games. The enclosure is an SNES console, including the game controllers. This project is not limited to just playing SNES ROMS, but other ROMS as well. It’s capable of emulating games from consoles such as Playstation, Amiga, Atari 2600, Final Burn Alpha, Sega Master System, Nintendo Entertainment System, MAME, NeoGeo, PC Engine / Turbo Grafx 16, ScummVMP, Game Boy Advance, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Intellivision, and Game Boy Color. The reason why it supports other ROMS is because it uses EmulationStation and the RetroPie Project. The official page for this project can be found here: Mongo Pi Mongo Pi is an installation setup of MongoDB on a Raspberry Pi. Below are two blog posts that can help you with setting up MongoDB: Warning! Mongo Pi takes a lot of time, so be patient. Minecraft Pi Edition Minecraft Pi Edition is a Minecraft for Raspberry Pi, which is designed to run on the Raspbian “Wheezy” OS with XWindows. It’s easy to install this project, just follow the following steps:

Download the tarball file with wget: 


Decompress it by typing tar -zxvf minecraft-pi-0.1.1.tar.gz Move it to a directory. From there, run the file: cd mcpi Execute it: ./minecraft-pi

Media or NAS Pi Want to turn your Raspberry Pi into a media player or server? There’s no need to worry, there’s a simple install script provided by which can be found here: After the installation, you can now enjoy your simple media home theater! Asterisk Pi or RasPBX

Can your Raspberry Pi be together with multiple GSM Modems, or 3G USB dongles? Yes! You can turn your Raspberry Pi into an asterisk server, which means you can setup your very own mini-call center. Here are two useful links for this setup: w3af Pi

w3af Pi is a another setup which turns your Raspberry Pi into a network scanner and a vulnerability assessment tool in your pocket. It uses w3af, a known free and open source web vulnerability scanner. Carlos Pantelides’s w3af setup on Raspberry Pi ( is very cool because it also uses the GPIO pins to turn on and off LEDs and it gives feedback in a head-less uncontrolled scan scenario. Coffee Table Pi

(Image courtesy of Coffee Table Pi is a project that transforms a Raspberry Pi into a video game arcade cabinet, specifically a cocktail or table cabinet. Aside from the setup detailed in, it would be better if you install the RetroPie project so that you can play your favorite games from Playstation, SNES, NES, Amiga, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance, among other platforms. FM Transmitter Pi / PiFM FM Transmitter Pi / PiFM is another cool, innovative project that turns your Raspberry Pi into an FM Transmitter, which allows you to hack radio frequencies or manipulate the FM broadcasting system. It’s illegal in some countries, so be careful. The tutorial can be found here: RetroPie Project The RetroPie project allows you to use a controller to select an emulator or a game without using a keyboard or a mouse. More information about this project can be found here: Raspberry Pi based Quadcopter

(Image from Want quadcopter autopilot or flight controller powered by Raspberry Pi? It can be done! Dr. Gareth Owen has a complete setup tutorial guide on how to make your Raspberry Pi fly. According to Dr. Owen’s setup, “All custom code and hardware except the Pi. AVR (Arduino) microcontroller used as interface board for Pi, to read RC inputs and output motor control signals (over I2C bus). Real-time attitude control (stabilisation) and input processing is done on the Pi in C++. Stabilisation algorithm is two cascaded PIDs (per axis, six total), one for angular velocity (AV-PID) and one for absolute angle feeding into the AV PID. Orientation is sensed with an MPU6050 chip from Invensence (using on-board sensor fusion).“ He explains that the reason why he chose Raspberry Pi is because of its higher level processing, 3G connection, and web cam. Fish Pi

(Image courtesy of Fish Pi is a project by Greg Holloway. The aim of it is to develop a Marine Unmanned Surface Vessel, which will ultimately be able to cross the Atlantic unaided, and take scientific measurements while doing so. Fish Pi is intended as an educational platform, a research station, or something to geek out to. According to its wiki page, “The POCV will be battery powered, and only run the bare essentials needed to navigate the craft on a small body of water, a lake for example. The RPi will be tasked with running the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) which in turn manages the electric motor, taking GPS positioning information and combining that with waypoint and route information to calculate the rudder commands to navigate the POCV to predetermined locations, and take photographs and or video during its test missions.“ Fish Pi’s code from Github can also be found here:—Command—Control Raspberry Pi as a Wardriving Tool I found a cool article from Spider Labs which talks about transforming a Raspberry Pi into a wardriving tool, titled “Wardrive, Raspberry Pi Style!” It’s a really interesting project, because the author only used the following additional hardware: a RealTek USB WiFi adapter (with an RP-SMA connector for an external antenna), a mag mount WiFi Antenna with N or RP-SMA, a Global Positioning System receiver (GPS) compatible with GPSD (the author used a Garmin 60CSx over USB), a USB Hard drive power splitter cable for the WiFi Radio, and a NewTrent USB portable device charger (the author used a 12000mah version, YMMV). Mocca Pi

The Mocca Pi project started as Magnar Johnsen’s idea of telnetting into a coffee machine and starting coffee production by just using a command. It became a reality after he got Raspberry Pi and a PYMCU IO controller. For more information about his project, check out his blog: References: