The Sony Xperia Z2, unarguably, offers the best battery life among all the flagship handsets released in the first half of the year, thanks largely to its gigantic 3200mAh battery. The phone can easily last a day of heavy usage with around 5.5-6 hours of screen on time without breaking a sweat. However, if you make use of some of Sony’s pre-loaded software features, along with the tips mentioned below, you can easily increase the Z2’s battery life by a substantial margin.

Stamina Mode

Most Sony phones come with a nifty Stamina mode, which greatly helps in extending the standby battery life of the device. Under this mode, the OS temporarily disables mobile data and Wi-Fi when the screen is turned off to preserve battery life. They are automatically turned back on once the display is switched on. In case you don’t want to miss push notifications from important apps, you can setup a list of apps that can remain active in standby.

Extended Usage

The Extended Usage feature on the Xperia Z2 is similar to the Power Saver mode included by HTC in its devices. Under this mode, the OS will restrict the performance of the handset when the screen is on to increase battery life. The difference in performance is negligible enough though that it should not bother most users.

Low-Battery Mode

The Xperia Z2 lacks an Extreme or Ultra Power Saving mode like the HTC One M8 and the Galaxy S5. However, it does come with a Low-battery mode, under which the OS can turn off Bluetooth, Sync, Wi-Fi, clamp down the display brightness and other features to increase battery life. You can specify the features that you don’t want to disable under this mode by going to Settings -> Power management -> Low-battery mode.

Queue background data

This nifty little option will automatically queue your background data tasks and then release them at once so that the phone does not unnecessarily wake up for individual data transfer tasks and waste its battery.

Location-based Wi-Fi

It is a very well known fact that the Wi-Fi radio of your smartphone consumes less battery than the 3G/4G modem. Sony has included a handy location-based Wi-Fi feature on the Z2, which automatically turns on the Wi-Fi when you are near a known Wi-Fi network. All the features mentioned can be activated and customized from under Settings -> Power management. The above tips should be more than enough to help in extending the battery life of the Xperia Z2 by a substantial margin. You can also try the usual tips of turning down the brightness levels, uninstall unneeded apps and turn off syncing for selected accounts to increase battery life. Got any other tip which can greatly increase the battery life of the Z2? Drop in a comment and let us know!