A spinal cord stimulator is a device that is implanted into the spine to help relieve pain. The stimulator sends electrical impulses to the spinal cord to block pain signals from reaching the brain. The cost of a spinal cord stimulator varies depending on the type of device, the size of the device, the complexity of the surgery, and the insurance coverage.

What Is a Spinal Cord Stimulator?

A spinal cord stimulator is an implant designed to regulate the pain signals from your nerves before they reach your brain. It’s similar to a heart pacemaker, but instead of regulating heart rate, it regulates pain signals in the lower back and legs. The device is implanted under the skin in the lower part of your back and connected to wires that run from it up through your spinal canal (the area around your spine) and into nerves connected to areas where you feel pain.

The spinal cord stimulator cost varies depending on several factors.

 These include:

The cost of the device itself. The price of an implantable neurostimulator (INS), which is used to treat chronic pain, can range from $15,000 to $50,000. Typically, these devices are made by medical device companies that specialize in producing INSs and other implants for use in humans.

The cost of surgery— can range anywhere from $1,500 up to six figures depending upon how complicated surgery might be;

Surgery removal/replacement following battery depletion—the battery inside an INS has a lifespan between five years and fifteen years before needing replacement altogether;

In general, spinal cord stimulators are not covered by insurance.

The following are some reasons why they may not cover these devices:

They were expensive. Insurance companies will pay for the implantation procedure, but not the cost of a stimulator itself. This can range from $5,000 to $15,000 per device.

Insurance companies are reluctant to cover high-cost treatments for chronic pain issues because there’s no guarantee that you will benefit from it and there are many other effective treatments available that don’t carry such huge price tags (such as physical therapy).

There are financing options available to help you manage the spinal cord stimulator cost.

Ask your doctor about financing options. Ask your insurance company about financing options. Ask your employer about financing options. Ask your friends and family about financing options. Ask your local hospital about financing options, such as Good Samaritan laws that can protect people who donate funds on an individual’s behalf, or if there is a nonprofit organization for funds like these in your area.

Research shows the spinal cord stimulator cost may be worth it.

One of the most common reasons people get spinal cord stimulators is to reduce their pain. However, research shows that using a spinal cord stimulator can also improve your quality of life by reducing the amount of pain you feel and helping you sleep better. For patients who have already tried other treatments but still have pain or no longer respond well to them, a spinal cord stimulator might be able to provide some relief after all.

Cost of spinal cord stimulator

The spinal cord stimulator cost can be high, but you might be able to find a way to cover it.If you’re considering a spinal cord stimulator, the cost is probably making you nervous. The average price of a spinal cord stimulator ranges from $30,000 to $100,000 and is not generally covered by insurance. 

For example, consider this study: Researchers examined 100 patients who had failed other treatments for chronic pain and found that those who used a spinal cord stimulator were able to work longer hours and enjoy an improved quality of life over those who took medication alone.

Another study looked at how effective SCS is at treating lower back pain caused by degenerative disc disease. The researchers concluded that after six months of treatment with SCS combined with exercise therapy, participants had less pain than those who received only exercise therapy or no treatment at all. They also found there was little difference between participants’ scores on an index measuring how much their lives were limited due to back pain before treatment began compared with after six months of treatment.


The researchers concluded that after six months of treatment with SCS combined with exercise therapy, participants had less pain than those who received only exercise therapy or no treatment at all. They also found there was little difference between participants’ scores on an index measuring how much their lives were limited due to back pain before treatment began compared with after six months of treatment. The cost of a spinal cord stimulator is high, and the device is worth the investment for people. A study investigating the cost-effectiveness of SCS found that, after six months of treatment, participants who received SCS combined with exercise therapy had less pain than those who received only exercise therapy or no treatment at all. The researchers concluded that SCS is a cost-effective treatment for chronic back pain.

How long does spinal cord stimulation last?

Ans: Almost 2-5 months and it can be recharged easily so you can use it for around 10 years.

Who needs a spinal cord stimulator?  

 Ans: Patients with SCS, leg, sciatica pain Lower back, and arm.