Lost Sphear begins in an isolated town that is starting to vanish, along with all the townspeople, setting a young boy named Kanata on a new adventure, as he and his companions quest to rebuild the world with the power of memory.

Accompanied by soft, somber music, the reveal trailer shows diverse environments, from a town covered in a thick, dark smog to a vibrant, lush outdoor area. The reveal trailer also provides a glimpse of the game’s active time battle system. This battle system will allow players to strategically alter character placement mid-battle, among other things. 

Lost Sphear pre-orders are now available at the Square Enix Store. The game will be coming to the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam in early 2018. A pre-order bonus includes two special soundtracks by the game’s composer, Tomoki Miyoshi.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more news on Lost Sphear as it develops.