And some weird ones.
Square Enix shared a Twitter thread this morning showing off three summons exclusive to various types of FF7 R pre-orders.
First up is Chocobo Chick. It’s a curious mix of anime punk and adorable Chocobo-ness that you’ll get with any pre-order of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. As for what it does? Well, not much. It’s a baby, after all, and still doesn’t have powah. What it will do is float around for a while and cast some spells to damage your foes.
Then there’s Carbuncle, available with the Digital Deluxe Edition or 1st Class Edition. It’s one of the stranger summons in how it changes appearance in every game. Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s Carbuncle can’t decide if it’s a cat or a dog, but it still has the titular gemstone stuck in its forehead.
On top of the usual benefit of raising your defense, it looks like Carbuncle also lets you completely block an attack. That will doubtlessly come in handy for some of the game’s tougher foes, but it also suggests summons are multi-functional.
Finally is the lovably weird Cactaur, your DLC bonus for any Deluxe Edition pre-order. Cactaur does his usual 1,000 Needles attack, which looks to have the added effect of distracting them and keeping them from moving.
Then there’s an AoE attack that shoots needles everywhere, damaging friend and foe alike. The friendly fire feature we saw last year is alive and well, it seems. Plus, this attack unbalances Cloud’s foe and makes it easier to inflict a Stagger effect.
It seems safe to say summons in the chonk-monster that is FF7 Remake are a lot more involved and useful than they’ve ever been.
Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Final Fantasy 7 Remake news as Square Enix summons it up. Until then, be sure to check out our E3 impressions of the JRPG classic.