Knowing that, EA and DICE should be feeling pretty confident with wherever the game is at if they could make the unthinkable happen. They made Kanye smile.

There are some things that you just don’t get to see in the real world, at least not during our lifetimes and even though we can only dream of some bizarre scenarios, there is a first for everything. With that said one of the rarest sights in the world is being able to see rapper Kanye West smile… seriously no media outlet has ever caught the man with a full on grin.

It’s known that Kanye very rarely ever smiles on camera. While there have been a couple of instances where we almost saw him break out a laugh, he quickly goes back into character.  

The Grammy-winning artist visited E3 this past week, and while some fans of the gaming industry would go out of their minds being able to attend the biggest gaming conference of the year, Kanye West remained completely composed.

That is until he got to try out DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront. 

The highly prominent Kanye West met the vastly decorated developers at DICE to play their much-anticipated game. The result was absurd. A full on smile displayed from Kanye West’s face and it lasted all the way through a picture with him and the developers.

It was a huge week for DICE and EA as they showed off Star Wars Battlefront to millions of fans, and although the trailers shown and gameplay revealed do seem pretty impressive, they look to be on right track judging from the lasting impression on Kanye West’s face.